

An understanding of the opposites
is the key to understanding the psyche.
-Edward Edinger

The opposite sidewalk calls to us...
It is the most negative thing
to ignore the call of the sidewalk opposite.
-Robert Juarroz

The dualistic view of things
is a view of things.
-Benjamin Sells

The perspective that makes dualism possible
is already present by the time it posits dualism.
-Benjamin Sells

Dualism is truncated metaphysics.
-C. S. Lewis

Dualism...Without it there can hardly be good literature.
With it, there most certainly can be no good life.
-Aldous Huxley

Everything in the field of time and space is dual.
-Joseph Campbell

Duality is a main principle of creation
through which we come to appreciate equality and reciprocity
and ultimately, Oneness.
-Rowena Pattee Kryder

The complementary polarity becomes a duality
when one loses consciousness of the One behind and within it.
-Rowena Pattee Kryder

Duality is the way that separation from source
comes to know its opposite or its complement,
and by attraction, comes to know itself through another.
-Rowena Pattee Kryer

I strongly reject any conceptual scheme that places our options in a line,
and holds that the only alternative to a pair of opposite positions
lies somewhere between them.
More fruitful perspectives often require that we step off the line
to a site outside the dichotomy.
-Stephen Jay Gould

A duality in which one valence is valued over the other
causes dichotomies within our perception of ourselves and others...
Distinctions are indispensable,
the recognition of differences are necessary.
It is only when we identify exclusively
with one side of the duality
and dissociate or repress the other
that we begin to have a false view of reality.
-Marion Woodman

Whenever you fall into an identification
with one of a pair of warring groups or factions
of any kind, then you have momentarily -
so far as you are identified, anyway -
lost the possibility of being a carrier of the opposites.
Instead you identify with one and project the other.
-Edward Edinger

To oppose something is to maintain it.
-Ursula K. Le Guin

Whatever we stand against
We will stand feeding and seeding.
-Muriel Rukeyser

Qualities contain their opposites.
So do we.
-David K. Reynolds

Opposites can repel or they can broaden;
you have the power to choose which.
-Theo Cade

We are seeking the balance of polarity,
not the antagonism of duality.
-B. K. S. Iyengar

Unless the opposites are constellated 
and brought to consciousness,
they can never be united.
-Carl Jung

The solution must rise
from the dynamics of the opposing tendencies
that are facing each other.
-Robert A. Johnson

Each time the ego identifies
with one side of a pair of opposites
the unconscious will confront one with its contrary.
Gradually, the individual becomes able
to experience opposite viewpoints simultaneously.
-Edward Edinger

Take your practiced powers
and stretch them out
until they span the chasm
between the two contradictions.
-Rainer Maria Rilke

You cannot "tame the opposites,"
but you can allow them to equilibrate one another.
-Richard and Iona Miller

If we push a negative hard enough and deep enough,
it breaks through into its counter side.
-Saul Alinsky

When situations proceed beyond their extremes,
they alternate to their opposites.
-Alfred Huang

Dualities are never resolved;
dualities are transcended.
-Cheri Huber