
This world is a vast unbroken totality,
A deep solidarity joins its contrary powers.
-Aurobindo Ghose
Everything is dual;
everything has poles;
everything has its pairs of opposites;
like and unlike are the same;
opposites are identical in nature,
but different in degree;
extremes meet;
all truths are but half truths,
all paradoxes may be reconciled.
-The Kybalion
Life is differentiated by the pairs of opposites.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
There is a pair of opposites in all things;
in each thing there exists the spirit of the opposite.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
That which is made up of both the opposites is one,
and when this one dissected the opposites appear.
To know one thing,
you must know the opposite.
-Henry Moore
Everything is differentiated by its opposite.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
All things come into being by conflict of opposites.
You can't have one quality
and not have its opposite as well.
You can't reach for a positive
and not creative a negative
by your very act of reaching.
-Stephen Mitchell
Every explicit duality has an implicit unity.
We cannot have light without dark.
When we define beauty, by doing so we define its opposite.
That is the structure of existence -
yin and yang complementing each other in a perfect circle,
each containing the seed of the other.
-Alan Watts
Out of opposition,
a new birth.
-Carl Jung
Opposites throw light upon each other.
-Arthur Schopenhauer
We can only know a thing by comparing it with its opposite;
one could not know light if there were no darkness.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Things that oppose each other
also complement each other.
-Chinese Saying
Affinity increases with opposition.
-R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz
Light and dark create an opposition,
Yet depend on each other just as the step
Taken by the right leg depends on the step
Taken by the left.
Two things of opposite natures seem to depend
On one another, as Logos depends
On Eros, day on night, the imagined

On the real. This is the origin of change.
Winter and spring, cold copulars embrace
And forth the particulars of rapture come.

Music falls on the silence like a sense
A passion that we feel, not understand.
Morning and afternoon are clasped together

And North and South are an intrinsic couple
And sun and rain a plural, like two lovers
That walk away together as one in the greenest body.
-Wallace Stevens
Opposites are inseparable,
and although one is against the other,
you cannot have one without the other,
any more than you can have a stick with only one end.
-Maurice Nicol
Polarity is paradoxical.
The two poles of a polarity
are irreconcilable opposites,
yet indivisibly one
because they can only exist together.
-Timothy Freke and Peter Gandy
They are not contradictory.
They are just polar opposites helping each other.
And they can exist only because of this polarity.
Are these not two opposite poles?
They are when we look at them as opposite poles;
when we look at the two ends of a line
we see that there are two ends,
but when we look at the center of the line
we see that it is one line.
The opposite poles appear to us as two
only when we look at the two ends.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The world is but a perpetual see-saw.
-Michel de Montaigne
The non-opposite "is" as little as the opposite.
Neither exists for itself,
each exists through the other.
-Eugen Herrigel
Without contraries there is no progression.
-William Blake
The interdependence of the contrary aspects in all things
and the struggle between these aspects
determine the life of all things
and push their development forward.
There is nothing that does not contain contradiction;
without contradiction nothing would exist.
-Mao Tse-Tung
The greater the tension, the greater is the potential.
Great energy springs from a correspondingly great potential
between the opposites.
-Carl Jung
Real and ideal, reason and instinct,
mind and matter, male and female -
should be merged into each other
(as the Taoists merged their Yin and Yang into the Tao)
and should be regarded as two aspects of the same idea.
-Cyril Connolly
Reality is a perpetual process of evolution,
propelled by the fertile impact of antagonisms
which are resolved each time into a superior synthesis
which, itself, creates its opposite and again causes history to advance.
-Albert Camus
It is the opposite quality
which brings about balance.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The whole world is a series
of balanced antagonisms.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
People grow when they find themselves
between two opposing sets of conditions.
-Peter Deunov
All gains of man come from conflict
of the opposite of his true being.
-William Butler Yeats
It is the pull of opposites poles that stretches souls.
And only stretched souls make music.
-Eric Hoffer
Often in the folds of contradiction
is a Great Harmony found.
-Neale Donald Walsche
From the strain of binding opposites comes harmony.
The union of opposites,
in so far as they are really complementary,
always results in the most perfect harmony.
-Stefan Zweig
The point unify and harmonize the opposites,
both positive and negative,
by discovering a ground which transcends and encompasses them both.
-Ken Wilber
The resolution of opposites
is their coincidence in mutual negation.
-Wei Wu Wei
Living within the tension of opposites
requires that you find the zero point in the middle
where the energetic pull from both extremes is balanced.
-Jacquelyn Small
Standing at nil, the point at which the magnetic pull
of the two contrary poles of existence is in balance,
you are able to think and to act clearly,
with overreacting to either extreme.
From here, you act rather than react.
-Jacquelyn Small
Harmonizing opposites by going back to their source
is the distinctive quality of the Zen attitude, the Middle Way:
embracing contradictions, making a synthesis of them, achieving balance.
-Taisen Deshimaru
The essential requirement...
is to avoid identifying oneself with either of the two opposite poles,
and to control, transmute, and direct their energies
from a unifying center of awareness.
-Roberto Assagioli
See the deep oneness running through everything.
Do not see only the polar points.
See the inner running current which makes them one.
Behind the appearance of these opposites are their truths
and the truths of the eternal are not in conflict with each other.
-Aurobindo Ghose
The human person...
is a coexistence of two opposing tendencies,
the one centrifugal and the other centripetal,
thus as the one tendency leads us out of ourselves,
the other guides us towards the return,
towards the central point, the undecaying condition...
-Guiseppe Tucci
The Spirit does not suffer from the play of opposites.
All contraries cease to exist when one reaches its sphere,
because they haver been altered, modified and united
into that type of energy which existed as a unity
before dualities arose.
-N. Sri Ram